Getting Ready for the Real World 【Vancouver BC】

Children with ASD grow up, and as the numbers of adolescents and adults with ASD expand, we need to consider how to prepare them for the challenges of adult life. This presentation will provide an overview of the components of effective, behavioral analytic intervention with older learners. Specific topics include community transition, employment, behavior support, healthy sexuality, and quality of life.

After having attended this event, participants should be able to:

  • identify the components of a comprehensive transition plan;
  • differentiate between social survival and social competence of the applications of both;
  • discuss the importance of direct, intensive instruction in adaptive behavior if community living is expected to be the outcome of an effective education;
  • discuss the implications of technology in promoting independence and personal competence in the community;
  • identify the components of sexuality education;
  • list three basic components related to the analysis of quality of life.


About the Presenter

Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D., is the Director of Education, Upper School, for the McCarton School in New York City. Dr. Gerhardt has more than 30 years of experience using the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis in support of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders in educational, employment, residential and community-based settings. He has authored and co-authored articles and book chapters on the needs of adolescents and adults with ASD and has presented nationally and internationally on this topic.

Dr. Gerhardt's research interests include issues related to: intensity of behavior analytic instruction with adolescents and adults; community integration and employment; development of adaptive behavior competencies; positive behavior supports with complex individuals; and the use of technology to support community safety and independence.

Dr. Gerhardt serves as Chairman of the Scientific Council for the Organization for Autism Research, is on the Editorial Board of Behavior Analysis in Practice and on numerous professional advisory boards, including the Autism Society of America.



WHEN: Friday, March 8th 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

WHERE: SFU Downtown Campus - Harbour Centre
Room 1900 515 West Hastings Street, Vancouver, BC

COST: Early Bird Rate Ends January 7, 2013


Presented by: Peter Gerhardt, Ed.D


Register Online or print our Registration Form (.pdf)

or call the ACT office at 604-205-5467 or toll-free at 1-866-939-5188


DETAILS: ACT website